Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate

PHS class of '91 Reunion - Aug. 6 2011

20 whole years!! I poured over my yearbook in anticipation of forgetting everyone's names and faces and fretted -probably unhealthily- over what to wear, what to have my children wear, how to wear my hair, etc. and when we finally arrived I was pleasantly surprised that--HEY! these people have all grown up too and it was much more congenial and fun than I ever remember my time with them in high school being! (There WERE a few men I never would have recognized, but mostly it's that darn facial hair that throws me so far off. But, then again, there were probably several who didn't recognize me either - hopefully not because of facial hair however.) Of course it was the most fun to see my "bosom friend", Marcy Soelberg Ellsworth and our pal Eric McCarney. We also got to take our families on a tour of the high school which was really fun! Our kids loved that.

So glad we went!


  1. Aw, pirates. So fun. It was fun to see you yesterday, Kimi! I love you and think you are the cutest pirate in the world.

  2. i am glad you went to your HS reunion too AND that we got to see you and your fun family! Come again!! :)
