Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Top O' The Mornin' To Ya!

Every St. Patrick's Day Eve a little Leprachan sneaks into our house and turns all the milk green and leaves only Lucky Charms to eat for breakfast. Well, we caught him this year! We must have been last on his list of stops to make 'cause he was still in the kitchen when we all got up! (Kind of him to pose for a photo I thought-though we WERE disappointed that -true to the tales- he had no intention of letting us know where all his gold was hidden. Rats!) The kids were all thrilled to finally catch a glimpse of the mysterious yearly visitor and I believe it served to confirm their belief in other unseen, but much-talk-about visitors like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. (We have a few who were beginning to doubt, if you can believe it.)
After such an exciting beginning, the day couldn't have been anything short of amazing! I didn't even bother with corned beef and cabbage for dinner. Seemed like it might have been a little anticlimactic.
I just had an epiphany! Aside from birthday cake and ice cream, Thanksgiving dinner, and Christmas and NewYear's Eves, most of our traditions are centered around breakfast. We do breakfast-in-bed on birthday mornings, CUPID comes and leaves little love notes and goodies at each child's plate on Valentines Day, and - as mentioned here - we get excited over green milk and Lucky Charms for St. Patty's Day breakfast. Easter breakfast is "Empty Tomb" sweet rolls plus the story of the Resurrection, and -rather than a BBQ- we feel free and grateful over every-breakfast-food-imaginable on 4th of July (After a sunrise flag-raising.). I just realized that possibly the biggest reason I have (unintentionally) configured things that way is because I have the most energy in the morning and find it easiest to make simple, silly things seem really fun and/or exciting. And since "simple" and "silly" is all that I can muster, if I have the entire day to spress over it, I have a lot harder time convincing myself and everyone else it's exciting OR fun.
Hmmm... What does that say about my character or lack thereof? Just musing.


  1. Ha ha! So, how did your kids react to your awesome costume? Great picture, by the way.
    I think ANY effort for any holiday = amazing mom. My poor kids didn't even know it was St. Patty's day until they got to school (except Jonah, I remembered before he had to leave at 9:00). I can't even remember if I did anything special later in the day. I don't think I did. So, you definitely win super mom of the year.

  2. Cute picture, Kimi! You are such a fun Mom. Maybe I should take some notes. I do an all green dinner and that is the extent of my St Patty's festivities each year. Mason suggested to me that we eat Lucky Charms this year...but it didn't happen. I'm impressed w/ all your breakfast ideas! Funny how so many traditions are around food.

  3. Oh! Lucky Charms is a fabulous idea! I can't believe I tortured my children with just plain ol' regular cereal. Unfortunately, my children are unbelievers. I don't know where their skepticism comes from (maybe my inability to lie straight up when they ask if leprechauns are real, extinct, or imaginary...?), but they refuse to believe in most everything holiday related. So leprechauns were a complete bust (even after we convinced Sylas that a leprechaun is not a bird). That's why I just do green things.

  4. ...but maybe if I show them this picture, they'll believe!

  5. Lucky Charms!?! Why didn't I think of that. Then it would have appeared that I'd put some thought and effort into something special on the special day. I did let Maddie buy a T-shirt to wear that day so I guess we did put some thought into it. not much though. not even close to you're get up. You're a hoot!
